natural death via old age
old age--thats what all elderly people die from, unless it was a fatal accident.
"i've just been told by a nurse just off shift that 6 wards were put aside for cv19 at ninewells hospital in dundee and that only one is being used.
also that the virus is being put as cause of death on almost every death...including one male patient who died of cancer who tested positive but had no effects.
so bear that in mind, and this is genuinely what i've been told what is going on.".
natural death via old age
old age--thats what all elderly people die from, unless it was a fatal accident.
the reason that i ask is, in the two years on this forum and you tube, i've seen ex-jw's either drop off entirely or make fewer and fewer videos.
i know the emotional toll can be high.
is that the sole reason, or is it cost (video) or do you think it's external pressure (legal or family)?
i'm fine, Smid.
ive no intention of going in to detail--either you noticed it--or you havent. no big deal.
the reason that i ask is, in the two years on this forum and you tube, i've seen ex-jw's either drop off entirely or make fewer and fewer videos.
i know the emotional toll can be high.
is that the sole reason, or is it cost (video) or do you think it's external pressure (legal or family)?
over the years ive been a member here i have noticed the changes--some obvious--some subtle. the anti jw activists have mainly gone--or been chucked out. the site has mellowed --a lot--recently, towards the watchtower society--which is now not considered a cult any more. I sometimes get the feeling that the watchtower is--in fact--running this show. Has the site been subject to heavy legal threats $$$$ ?
in fact--if my a/c here gets deleted--i think i'm on to something.
your thoughts ?
its amazing how the cult has changed over the years.
they are now suing everyone who has books or internet presences critical of the cult.
this was never done that i can remember before.
they need the money
i'm wondering if the brexit pandemonium is going to continue due to the covid 19 pandemonium.. the latter may just neccessitate further "emergency laws" which suspend the december 31st 2020 divorce date..
the goverment couldnt care less--true.
till the next election..and if they lose--the new government can clean up the sh1t.
but--dont worry--thats years away.
when to begin the countdown of the 2300 days?
to get an idea, it could be helpful to discern when those days end relative to time times and half a time.. i see a possibility that the 2300 days end the same day as the 1260 days.
that is because the woman in revelation 12 will be fed 1260 days.
i cant find my bike.
i'm sure i left it on this thread.
has anyone deleted it?